Teaching dance…

…behind the scenes!

There’s more to teaching a dance class than just turning up! We’re privileged to have a talented and committed team here at Elite Dance, and thought you’d be interested to find out a bit more about how they prepare for lessons.


It’s a great way to bring focus to the term or school year. We use themes to pique the imagination of our Twinkle Toes children. They love playing make believe – being in space or under the sea!

For the older classes, the theme might be more practical. Lessons can be planned around posture, confidence, or using your core.

Music & props

Music underpins the classwork in every lesson. It must be suitable for the specific theme, whether to encourage imagination, or aid the learning of a specific skill. The tone and the energy of the music really affects how the students enjoy their class!

For little ones, we love using tactile props, noise makers, and things with bright colours. As the children get older, we encourage them to learn to handle and work with more complex props, tailored to their ability and performance plan.


For our street and jazz classes, a huge amount of thought and time goes into this! The teacher needs to know the routine inside out, and be sure that it suitably challenges and rewards the class so that they’ll find satisfaction in their performance.


It’s simple, but requires effort! The teachers get to know our students so they can tailor the classes well. This includes adjusting movements and exercises to accommodate range of age and ability in their session

Alongside all this, each teacher keeps themselves and the team up to date on current methods, child development through their own research and CPD training. It’s a big job, and it brings great reward.

#danceclassesdo #preparation #expertise

#motivationandmovement #teamteaching