Injury Prevention When Dancing Outdoors!

Hi Elite Families!

The time has finally come! This week we start back at our favorite place, The Studio! However, as explained in our last blog post all very differently!

Our socially distanced classes with 5 students start today, and we are very excited! However, i is very important to look after our bodies when changing the environment we dance in!

Most importantly is looking out for and dressing for the weather! If its cold, dancers will need to wrap up warm to keep their muscles safe! Even when feeling warm from the exercise it is important to keep our muscles protected with some warmth. When warm your muscles are stretchy meaning it is easy to move. If muscles are exposed to the cold quickly they will seize up causing soreness and potentially even a pulled muscle!

Another thing to keep an eye on is our joints! When dancing in a studio special flooring protects our joints from getting injured by cushioning our landing! When outside on concrete or grass this does not happen, so it’s very important to focus on our landing from jumps by using our plie or bent knees to cushion the landing!

Lastly…Hydration is key! When outside we are exposed to the sun which makes us lose hydration quicker! Make sure to bring a big drink of water and have some at regular intervals to keep us hydrated! But remember the toilets aren’t allowed to be open, so don’t drink too much!!

Best wishes to you all! We are so excited to see you all!

Miss Emily and The Elite Dance Team xx